Wednesday, October 19, 2011

On things romantic

So, for some reason, the closer we get to Halloween, the more my thoughts turn to...romance.  Maybe it's because this holiday is celebrated by being anyone other than yourself (& especially in America, by being that in as sexy a fashion as can be arranged).  I dunno, but I am often of a more romantically minded frame than usual this time of year.

Yesterday, one of my roomies & I went to Little India for just some morning window shopping.  See, when I think of romance, I picture India, especially Indian clothing.  Somehow, Indian clothing strikes me as especially beautiful...maybe because it is utterly unsuited to my build or coloring, who knows, but when I am shopping among the saris & other garments, it is easy to imagine the old fairy-tale princess stories.  Maybe because the SCA has utterly de-mystified Medieval Europe for me, I don't see princesses and happy-ever-after's too prosaic.

so, since that trip, my mind has been caught up with thoughts of romance & other silliness.  This may account for why I am periodically checking my chat window to see if someone has messaged me.  Note that there is no real reason for this person to message me, nor should I be looking for them to do so, given my peculiar situation.  Remind me sometime and I'll tell you what I can about the peculiarities and my own ambivalence (not pretty when combined with cowardice, lemme tell ya).  Suffice it to say that I am feeling more than a little foolish (but not twitterpated).

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