Saturday, June 9, 2012

Spring brings stuff

So many changes...
- I'm now a peer of the realm, a Pelican to be exact.  I'm still trying to figure out exactly what that mens or how my SCA experience is different now that the dust has settled from the actual elevation.  On the other hand, I have 2 really great new outfits & a pattern that fits.  I may be sewing a bunch more.
- Twinkie is now a 9th grader.  Still wrapping my brain around that.  I'll likely be more traumatized come the fall.
- Tall Boy is all twitterpated about a girl (& she in return is twitterpated about him).  I'm really ok with this.  Yes, she has a bit of mileage, but she has come through it on her own.  She does not need to be rescued.  She is sane and strong and funny and smart and warm and generous and ambitious and energetic and full of integrity.  I think he made a very good choice.  Since she doesn't need to rescue Tall Boy either, and he is basically sane (as much as anyone in our family is) and healthy and generally wonderful, I think this is a win-win relationship no matter how long it happens to last.
- I am trying to figure out how to afford walkabout.  Yuck.
- I need to lose more weight.
- The school year is almost over, so yay.  I just have to get paperwork finished & rough syllabi up.
- Boogie is apparently writing a novel.  This is a good thing. She turns 13 in a few days.  I'm not certain if I'm ready for this.  I know her father & his wife aren't, & they get Little Miss Kaboom for the summer.
- This summer I need to get back to writing regularly.  I'm not entirely certain how this is going to happen with my laptop in the shop, but I'll figure it out.  Sigh.

Just recently, I re-read Reiner Maria Rilke's "Letters to a Young Poet".  He always makes me want to re-visit my creativity, try to find it again. 

Today I read a book about Katie Bieshline's mother, Elsie, when she was a teacher in Arizona from 1913 to 1916.  It was a really interesting book, but it made me homesick for Palomar.  It also reminded me how very much I treasure that whole turn-of-the-century mindset and how very far from that ideal I have strayed.  Sigh.  I just never could manage to be good, or stay strong for the right choices.  The thought occurs to me that the kind of man I want to fall in love with died out in 1918.  Ah well, I will just have to put a positive face on it & do the best I can.  "Every day is fresh with no mistakes in it...yet"

The two books are mentioned just to give an idea of changes happening in my noggin as I sweep around and stir up the accumulated dust of the year.  Lets see if I can make a clean sweep...

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