(Note: I am typing this more for my sake than for an
audience, so…you’ve been warned)
(Hmm, Independence Day.
What an odd day to write this…but it works for me…)
So, lemme start with some background:
(distant past) Once upon a time, when I was
young, I wrote down how I felt about a person in a letter to my
brother-in-law. The notebook wherein I
had written said letter was found, and I was openly mocked by 15 or 20 people,
including the person that I had mentioned having feelings for…since then I don’t
put important stuff into writing if I can help it. In addition, because of my
own reticent nature and upbringing by older parents, I tend also to repress
verbally when it comes to sexual matters.
I’m not quite so tied up and Victorian that “legs” become “limbs”, but
it is far too easy for me to “lie back and think of England” mode rather than
to use my not inconsiderable vocabulary to express my sexual needs and give my
partner direction. (Yah, I don’t have
issues there, I have subscriptions. I’ll
have to unpack that eventually.)
(somewhat recent past) The dear friend who
helped introduce me to kink encouraged me to “learn how to use my words”. He worked with me to get me to be able to
speak more about my feelings and/or needs.
So, anyway, one (several) of my challenges on this path relating to
courage is to speak – to my partner, of my desires generally and specifically,
and to write. Write anything. Analysis.
Desires. Whatever. So, this is me writing. It won’t be brilliant or moving or erotic
(sigh. In fact, inane is the adjective
that’s coming to mind at the moment), but it is something that I need to learn
to do.
(very recent past) This week has been so very
interesting (in that Chinese kind of way), and a great deal of scar tissue has
been activated by events entirely out of my control. All week, I have fought to keep myself from
slipping back into that old crazy, because NOBODY needs me to go there (least
of all me).
Alright, that’s the background. Now, to the point…
This morning, we were curled up in bed, and my sweetie was
simply holding me, being respectful of my stress. Normally, this is a pretty easy thing for
him, but he really went hard at yesterday’s fighter practice and that gets him
amped. So he was trying to comfort me
while holding back his own urgency. This
wasn’t fair, clearly, but neither would me rolling over and “thinking of
England” have been (an unfortunate tendency of mine). Today I tried the “and” approach, hoping we
could both get what we needed. First, I
asked if he could stroke my skin in long, slow pets. These are still comforting, but since I am a
sensation hog, they also woke up my sensual side, got me purring and wanting
more. Yay for my first use of words.
We lay there spooning, his arm curved above my head and our
hands loosely clasped there. Another
suggestion came to mind. I asked him to
shift his hand slightly and grasp firmly around my wrist. The contrast of the secure grip with the
soft, sensuous pets distracted me even more from this week’s internal monologue
of nuts. Trapped by my wrist being held
slightly above my head, I turned my body in, to get more petting, which was
becoming increasingly intimate.
I asked my sweetie to wrap his leg around mine, further
pinning me in place and in a position that left me both secure and
exposed. This completely re-focused my
attention to matters at hands and ramped up my interest levels intensely. Both of us soon found a certain noisy
(ok, latent Victorianism kicking in for a sec, sorry, but in
case you haven’t been keeping count, this now makes three instances of using my
words to express specific needs or wants.)
But, he wasn’t done yet, as is often the case. We curled up once more, panting a bit, and he
continued that maddening long, slow petting.
Needing to focus, I asked my sweetie to grasp my neck, just
at the collarbone, and to give some of the weight of his hand to my chest. This is a pin that feels like it could be a
chokehold without ever truly becoming one. With his thumb and forefinger just putting the
slightest pressure on my jugular vein, and his meaty hand bearing down just
enough on my windpipe and sternum, I could only freeze. Every bit of my attention riveted on his hand
and getting oxygen. In slow, halting
words, I explained to him exactly what was happening in my head and where I was
focused. He listened carefully and
This time the orgasm nearly bowed me double, and I’m afraid
I clawed him right on a bruise left from practice. He didn’t seem to mind.
I still need to suss out why that neck grip works (though I’m
sure I know folks who could explain it).
It seems to have a similar effect when you are training a dog and want
them to be calmer. (Not touching that)
So, today I used my words and it worked. J And I’m writing it
down and leaving it out there.
…Independence Day…yep.
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