Monday, June 24, 2013

Online portfolios notes from class

Can be many things:
1. Proof that work was done
2. mentoring tool (evaluate, collaborate, add to & take away)
3. migrate to a career portfolio (digital resume that is dynamic & demonstrates your actual skills & experience)

Goal: online platform that can upload a variety of media that demonstrate student mastery
-- identify a purpose and develop a padlet over the course of the school year that shows purpose
----- single area - good for comparison - creates a platform for discussion

doc app: makes your phone work like a scanner - take a pic and convert to the preferred file and organizes it into a folder (right now for iphone, developing android)

Padlet -
- drop & drag
- double click & zoom
- keeps track of the order that things are uploaded
- not compatible with every platform, but with most (what it isn't compatible with, it downloads to your computer & you open it that way)
- can handle audio files & video files, also ppt, prezi, pdf, & docs
- single wall, NOT multiple pages
- can get email notifications of modifications
- can make private (varying levels of privacy)
- with an account, can name walls for ease of access (finding)
- works with lots of different browsers
- everything autosaves unless you delete it.
- can be used for collaborative projects

California Learning Resources Network - common core

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