Monday, May 27, 2013

Post event let down

Had a very pleasant war (Potrero), but I am trying to decide if I want to write a nice, warm friendly letter to a friend about the experience or if I want to wander into the dark for a bit.  See, the thing is, I spent the weekend camped with my sweetie.  We spent quality time together.  He let me cook for him (this is a BIG DEAL) and generally spoil him a bit.  This was something I've been needing to do...yah, it's weird, but it made me feel like more than simply a passive recipient of the relationship.  I got to participate and share equally.  I went shopping and got foods that everyone would enjoy and that he could eat.  I packed the camper and set up a comfortable camp, a place to relax and just enjoy the days going by.  Other than specific tasks that HAD to be accomplished during the event, I pretty much stayed in camp, mostly with him...and the whole thing was a beautiful fiction.  I really enjoyed pretending that I had a right to take care of someone and that he had the right to take care of me, but it can never last for more than a day or two at most, and even then only off in a quiet corner where few will notice.  Where our relationship is right now is about where it will ever be and it's no use pretending that it will ever be different.  I know this.  I knew this going in.  I'm still sitting here after my very nice, very fictional, weekend feeling utterly depressed and alone. Sigh.  I set myself up for this, and I don't get to be mad at anyone else about it either...which stinks.

At some point, I need to figure out why I do this, because you see, this is a pattern in my relationship life.  When I look back at the people with whom I have been involved, really none of them were able (for varying reasons, sometimes due to circumstances in their lives and sometimes due to circumstances in mine) to have a full and complete relationship with me...and I chose that.  Invariably, I get into relationships that are inherently self-limiting (or I would make sure that they were so).  At some point I need to investigate what little broken bits inside my head are telling me that I can't have (or don't really want or don't deserve or whatever) a full relationship.

Otherwise, I foresee several more depressing "day after" experiences in my future.  

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