Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Mentoring presentation thoughts

*notes from a professional development workshop in 2013*

1. What is my purpose as a teacher?
2. Who Do I mentor? What is my goal in mentoring them?
Terms to think about:
leadership education
Transformational teaching
19 apps: leadership education for college students, by oliver de mille
Informational teaching: by assignment, can be done by student on their own (card system?)
Transformational teaching: from child to adult...
Mentoring based on knowledge - not of materials, but of students (aspirations, goals, limitations, fears, etc)
Preparing class vs preparing mentor(most impt thing is teacher's vibrant inner life - know who you are & what you're about)
4 types of teaching:
1. Aristotle, 95% telling
2. Socrates, 95% asking
3. Plato, parables/examples
4. Prophetic, best mix of all for particular students (What does student x need?)
Teaching students to be good vs teaching students to be great - there is a need for BOTH - balance - based on individual student
Different students need a different mentoring style (goal)
Any subject can be mentored...
"Beginners Guide to Constructing The Universe", by Michael S Schneider
On Numbers, by Isaac Asimov Two kinds of ideas: seen (learned by experience) & unseen (learned by epiphany)
Mentors help students to seek epiphanies
There is no single path to epiphany. (Blah)
Take a risk. Take a stand. Be a warrior. Show students how.
What do I stand/fight for? Why do I learn?
Purpose drive passion; passion drives study habits.
Free society...

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