Sunday, November 16, 2008

A nefarious plot

So, at Queen's Champion last week, the very nice lady whose name I can never remember but was on Ed & Mora's court, has an Italian persona, & always has nifty hair, suggested a nefarious plot for Twefth Night. Since Twelfth Night has a Venetian theme this year, she suggested that as many folks as could arrange it should throw persona to the winds and come in full Venetian attire. This seems to me to be a lovely idea, & since Twelfth Night this year is on my birthday, I think I need a lovely new dress for my birthday. The boyo also allowed as how he would like a spiffy outfit & would not be averse to wearing tights, so (woot! Woot!) I get to make new Italians! Yay! First to research:

The lovely Italian lady of the forgotten name suggested that I begin my research at a website called Realm of Venus. There, I found this portrait by Capriolo:

I think this will look realy spiff on Geoff, but in black and pale gold with a black velvet 3/4 circle cloak & with parti-color tights & black boots. I also need to make him a mask for the ball. I'm thinking red, gold, and black harlequin. He'll look pretty. :)
Geoff will need:
cape (3/4 circle, black velvet)
particolor tunica

My dress is more problematic. I found a couple of idea portraits at Realm of Venus, but I need to think about color.

This is a neat neckline (right). And these sleeves are glorious (below).

I like the idea of having a Turkish coat to pull over the dress in the evening for the ball. The documentation for that was provided by a laurel from Lochac and is linked here. However, if I want to put the Turkish coat on over the dress for evening, then I'll need a different, straight, sleeve.

Hmm...pondering....Ok, how about a list of garments I'll need to make the look -
2nd sleeves
turkish coat
long pearls

Plotting mode on...

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